Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thoughts on "Equal Protection"

We need to stop and think about "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

One person sues a business because they won't print their shirts for a gay pride parade. The business says they believe that homosexuality is against their religion and they do not want to support that act.

First of all, why would you (the person wanting the shirts printed) want to give your money to a business that thinks you are morally wrong. You think they are wrong. Why do you want to force them to take your money?

When this is turned around, will you want to be forced to serve someone? Will a black shop owner want to print the flyers for a "white pride" event? Will a gay baker want to make a cake for the church event that helps young men suppress their homosexual tendencies?

If we have equal protection in this country, doesn't it stand to reason that these cases will turn out the same way?

Equal protection "under the law" applies to the state, not individuals. I believe I have the right to serve or not serve whom I please, regardless of my reasons, but the state cannot make laws that treat one group of people different than another.

So the court ruling the religious baker bake the cake for the gay wedding has to rule that the gay baker bake the cake for the religious meeting, right? But in my opinion, they shouldn't be ruling on this at all.

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