I'm sitting here trying to put into a few words the basic idea of this book. I guess I would say it's the idea of duty and whether or not there is an innate idea of duty in humans. Kant seems to think there is. I think there is because we are rational beings and that rationality (or free will) is what makes us in the "image of God". We have the power to choose one way or another and that is what creates a duty to do certain things.
What makes us a rational human is the fact that we can use our free will to create laws for ourselves. We can make a goal for ourselves as individuals or groups. These ends can be subjective, or personal and shape our rules for our own impulses and desires. Or they can be objective ends, universal for all humans and absolute.
There are strict duties and meritorious duties. Strict duties are things you should do because it is right to do so, not because you will get something from it. Meritorious duties are things they are good and you may get something out of it.
Like I said, I didn't fully grasp this text. I felt like he was talking over me, like another language you kind of understand so you only pick up words and phrases.
Here is something that really resonated with me though. The idea that each person has his own value. Each person is worth something, his being here on this earth is an end of itself. Even if that person were a lump on the floor that never chose to do anything, or couldn't, just them being here makes them have worth, dignity. He has an absolute value.
"Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own or that of another person, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end."
Wow. People are not tools. This includes yourself. Can you use yourself? Yes! If you refuse to use your free will to control desires or inclinations that are beneath you or lessen your dignity.
Everyone should be treated with dignity because they have free will and will be more likely to choose good if they are treated with respect. This is the idea behind Radical Unschooling. I always find it fascinating to read these philosophical texts and find ideas people consider "radical" even today. Everyone includes children. They aren't monsters.. How will they learn to respect others and act in a civilized manner, if they are never treated that way?
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